Virtual Lunch & Learn Workshop 23 November 2023

Ace your Partner Panel

12.30pm UK

( 7 .30 am ET | 4.30 pm GST | 9.30 pm AET)

Workshop Starts in:

0 d:0 h:0 m:0 s
Thursday 23 November 2023 12.30pm (UK)

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Become a Premium subscriber of Progress to Partner for £200 +VAT.
Annual subscription is usually £290+VAT 
Attend 12-months of Lunch & Learn workshops at no extra charge
Access all self-study courses including:
How to Make Time for Business Development and How to Become the Go-To-Expert.
PLUS access to all our Business Case and Partnership Admissions guides, workbooks and recordings.

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How to make the time to prepare for your Partner Panel Interview

 How to get your nerves under control when pitching your business case 

What your partners are really wanting to hear and understand in your pitch 

What to do to be at your best on the day without having to spend days preparing for your panel interview 

How to reduce your business case to a succinct 10-minute presentation that is highly persuasive (which will be quick to put together) 

How to look good whilst dealing with difficult and challenges questions and comments (and why this is the key to making it through this time around

Don't forget that Progress to Partner Premium subscribers can attend all Lunch & Learn Workshops free as part of their membership

Basic level subscribers receive a discount and pay just £35 for these Lunch & Learn Workshops

(Find out more at

  • Total payment
  • 1xH2MP Workshop 23 November 2023 12.30pm Ace Your Partner Panel£99

All prices in GBP
