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Thank you for all your support and guidance over the last few years. Your books and the Progress To Partner membership site have been critical in me being able to focus on the end goal, i.e. making it to partner.

RSM, Canada

I think it is fair to say you have at a minimum accelerated my career progression by three to five years. I cannot thank you enough.

Law firm partner, USA

Heather and the team at How To Make Partner shone a light on my career progression. Once the penny dropped, it was clear what I had to do. 

Tax Partner

I just wanted to let you know that I have been promoted to Associate Partner! 

I wanted to thank you for your help and support. It has been a long journey, but the road ahead of me is exciting. I am already thinking of the next step: becoming an Equity Partner. I would be happy to continue to work with you on that next chapter of my career.

EY Canada

I got the offer of partnership! Thank you for so much for your help!

KPMG partner, UK 

The Managing Partner called 2 weeks ago and said the partners would like to invite me to become a partner. 

Thank you very much indeed for all your help and support. I know your coaching has played a key role in this promotion, but also my desire, excitement and ability to step up to the challenge and make a success of it.

Law firm, UK

Before I started working with Heather I was well-respected and seen as a 'safe paid of hands' but struggling to build my practice. As a result of working with Heather I made partner 18 months later and have almost doubled my client portfolio


As a result of the help and support I received from Heather, the feedback I got from my firm at each stage of the process was that I was an outstanding candidate. 

I got through at the first time of asking, and was one of only 2 partners which were made up across the whole of our global firm.

Mazars, UK

I gained so much confidence from working with you and I am extremely grateful. 


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